Carpenter with Certificate of Practical Training and their requirements

What do they perform and observe in certificate training program

  1. They carry out, in the workshop or on the construction site, in groups or individually, simple jobs, related to specific limited fields;
  2. They know, in their field of activity, the main materials and their properties;
  3. Employ, in their field of activity, tools, manual machines and standard stationary machines in compliance with workplace safety and health protection;
  4. They understand simple professional drawings, make them and perform simple assembly work;
  5. They comply with the criteria and prescriptions typical of the sector as well as ecological principles carpentry certificate 3.

Professional competence includes knowledge and skills in the following areas:

  • Workplace safety, sources of danger and health protection;
  • Materials;
  • Means of production;
  • Assembly and deliveries;
  • Professional design;
  • Calculation;
  • Regulations and standards;
  • Environmental protection and ecology;
  • Labor law and administration.

Methodological competence includes:

  • working techniques and problem solving;
  • reticular approach, process-oriented, at the theoretical and operational level;
  • information and communication strategies;
  • learning and lifelong learning strategies;
  • behavior oriented to business needs.
  • Social and personal competence includes:
  • autonomy and sense of responsibility;
  • ability to communicate and forms of behavior;
  • ability to work in a team;
  • approach based on quality at a theoretical and operational level;
  • ecological behavior.

Upon entry into force of this Ordinance, a training plan prepared by the competent organization of the world of work .

The training plan specifies the operational skills referred to in Articles 4-6 as follows:

  • explains their relevance for basic vocational training;
  • defines the type of behavior expected in certain operational situations in the workplace;
  • specifies operational skills through concrete assessment objectives;
  • consistently relates the operational skills to the qualification procedures, the methods of which he specifies.

The training plan also establishes:

  • The curricular structure of basic vocational training
  • The organization of inter-company courses and their distribution over the duration of the basic training;
  • The qualification fields mentioned in the certificate of the notes in accordance and relevant for the repetitions in accordance.
  • The requirements and recommendations relating to safety in the workplace and the protection of health and the environment.

Attached to the training plan is the list of documentation concerning the implementation of the basic professional training of carpenter with indication of title, date and distribution center.

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